Terms & Conditions
Personal sessions:
If you have to cancel a training session, We require 24 HOUR NOTICE or the payment for the session will still remain. In case of a genuine emergency, this cancellation policy will not apply.
The payment needs to be made on Monday of the week that you have sessions. Please set up automatic payment in your bank account. If the payment was not made, you will be reminded to pay by the time you have the session.
All questions need to be answered honestly. If you do have a medical condition, illness or injury, then you may need to be cleared by your doctor to participate in our training sessions.
I will provide you 100% commitment towards helping you reach your goals. But the results cannot be made without your 100% commitment. We are a team. Eat well and sleep well to get ready for each session.
Group sessions:
Please note that no-shows and class absences will not be refunded. All participants are responsible for their own attendance.
Please allow a few minutes of potential crossover period before/after class. We encourage those who are waiting for a class to stretch and start warming up.
Injury and Health Expectations:
Personal Trainer Mikiko bears no responsibility for injuries sustained during classes. All students understand that they are participating in a physical activity and will take the necessary personal precautions to protect themselves from injury as much as possible. The sessions will not include dangerous exercises, but should you have injuries or caution that Mikiko needs to be aware of during the sessions, these must be stated clearly prior to each class you attend.